Herlinda Gutama, Vicepresidenta del Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la Pachamama señaló que es una absoluta mentira decir que ya se ha socializado el proyecto en Molleturo, peor que se haya consultado a las comunidades. “En Molleturo hay 72 comunidades y la gran mayoría de la población desconoce totalmente sobre el supuesto EIA que el Ministerio de Ambiente ya quiere aprobar. No se le puede mentir a la ciudadanía diciendo que ese EIA ya ha sido socializado. Además nosotros no hemos venido reclamando por la “socialización”, sino por la Consulta Previa. Jamás ha existido esta consulta en Molleturo y por eso se debió aplicar el Mandato Minero y eso tampoco el gobierno lo hizo”.
Georgina Gutama por su parte manifestó que “la vida no es negociable, y por lo tanto continuaremos en la resistencia, porque nosotros conocemos bien de la desgracia que es la minería, hasta hemos ido a constatar cómo son las cosas, por ejemplo en Cajamarca en el Perú, donde a pesar de que se encuentra la mina de oro más grande la Latinoamérica, la gente está más pobre, con graves enfermedades y no tienen agua. Cuando visitamos Cajamarca la gente de las comunidades afectadas como Choropampa, nos decía que estamos a tiempo para luego no tener que lamentar como ellos”.
“Nosotras hemos venido luchando por la defensa de los derechos humanos, ambientales y de la Pachamama, no por nosotros nada más, sino especialmente por las futuras generaciones, ese es nuestro compromiso, y lo hacemos sin banderas polítiqueras. También existen sectores que están haciendo un manejo electorero de la resistencia contra la minería, pero otros sectores y organizaciones estamos en contra también de que se utilice de esa manera nuestra lucha.” Señaló Rosío Pérez Arévalo Presidenta del Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la Pachamama.
“Qué valor puede tener una reunión que la minera hace con sus trabajadores y gente que está a su favor por las migajas que recibe, y esa farsa avala el Ministerio de Ambiente, y con eso ya se va a aprobar un EIA en una zona tan frágil, que está dentro del área de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional el Cajas, que está reconocido como un humedal de importancia mundial por la Convención RAMSAR, y además dentro del bosque protector Molleturo-Mollopongo. Esto también estaba estipulado en la Mandato Minero, y ¿por qué nunca se aplicó? Simplemente porque este gobierno está empeñado en vender la Patria a las transnacionales mineras." Señaló en su intervención Lina Solano Ortiz, Coordinadora del Frente de Mujeres.
"Además es uno de los gobiernos más hipócritas de la historia, porque mientras funcionarios del régimen como Flander Falconí, escriben artículos para demostrar el amarre que hay entre las grandes corporaciones mineras y los políticos pro imperialistas, como el caso del ex Presidente de España José María Aznar quien es hoy miembro del Consejo Asesor Internacional de la Barrick Gold. Falconí quiere dárselas de muy “antimperialista” criticando que el “neoliberal” Aznar vacacionó junto con Alvaro Uribe y Bush (padre e hijo) en una propiedad de un poderoso empresario que también es miembro del mentado Consejo Asesor de la Barrick. Gran hazaña la de Falconí, criticar a los peces gordos, cuando los renacuajos verdeaguas de este gobierno están haciendo lo mismo, o acaso es pura coincidencia que la International Mineral Corporation encabece las negociaciones para la firma de los contratos mineros justo cuando su ex gerente Federico Auquilla es el Vice ministro de Minas.” Enfatizó Lina Solano Ortiz.
Anunciaron varias acciones que se planifican como la caminata que fue decidida en la Asamblea Popular Ambiental en Molleturo del pasado 18 de septiembre.
Yesterday and today, a committee of The Women Defenders of the Pachamama Front has talked to several media in the city of Cuenca to express their opposition to the statements made by certain government civil servants, especially by Mr. Humberto Cordero, the governor of Azuay, who say that people “have already been socialized” about the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the International Mineral Corporation (IMC) plan to exploit the mines of Rio Blanco.
The Pachamama Women Defenders said that while the government wants to delegitimize a community consultation held last Sunday at Victoria del Portete, where more than 1,000 people voted, they want to validate another meeting attended only by about 80 pro mining people; this meeting was held only in 1 community, whereas Molleturo has more than 70 communities. After this so called consultation was held, the government says the EIA company has fulfilled "all the requirements" for the approval of the license for the exploitation of the mine. Of course, with the complicity of the Ministry of Environment.
Herlinda Gutama, Vice President of Front Women Defenders of the Pachamama said it was an absolute lie to say that already been socialized Molleturo project, worse than prior consultation with the communities. “There are 72 communities in Molleturo and the vast majority of the population knows nothing about the alleged EIA that the Ministry of environment wants to approve. You can not lie to the public saying that EIA has already been socialized. In Addition we have not been calling for the “socialization”, but prior consultation. There has never been this consult on Molleturo and therefore should have applied de Mining Mandate, and that the government did not.”
Georgina Gutama said that "life is not negotiable and, therefore, resistance will continue, because we know mining means misery; we have even seen what things are like, for instance, in Cajamarca in Peru, where, in spite of having the largest gold mine of Latin American, people are very poor, suffer from serious diseases and do not have water. When we visited Cajamarca, the people of the affected communities, such as Choropampa, told us to stop mining so as to avoid ending like them”.
“We have been fighting for the defense of human rights, environmental rights and The Pachamama rights, not only for us, but especially for future generations; that is our commitment, without being interested in politics. There are people who are trying to take advantage of the resistance against mining in order to gain votes, but we don’t want our struggle to be used in this way," said Rosío Pérez Arévalo, President of The Women Defenders of The Pachamama Front.
“Can a meeting called by the mining company and attended by its workers and people who are in their favor be taken into account? Moreover, the Ministry of Environment has given support to this meeting and their mining plan (EIS) is going to be carried out both in The Cajas National Park, which has been recognized as a wetland of global importance by the RAMSAR Convention, and also within the protected forest of Molleturo-Mollepongo. The Mining Mandate also mentions that these areas are protected; why has The Mining Mandate never been enforced? Simply because this government is ready to sell our country to transnational mining companies,” said Lina Solano Ortiz, Coordinator of the Women's Front.
"It is also one of the most hypocritical governments of our history. Certain civil servants, such as Flander Falconi, write articles to show the bond that exists between large mining corporations and pro-imperialist politicians, as it is the case of former Prime Minister of Spain, Jose María Aznar, who is now a member of The International Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. On the other hand, Falconi wants to seem very "anti-imperialist" by criticizing the holidays of the "neoliberal" Aznar, with Alvaro Uribe and Bush (father and son) in a property of a powerful businessman, who is also a member of the Advisory Board of Barrick. Falconi criticizes Aznar, Uribe and Bush but doesn’t criticize the members of our own government who are doing the same. It is no coincidence that The International Mineral Corporation is negotiating the signature of mining contracts right now that its former manager, Federico Auquilla, is the Mining Vice Minister, "Lina Solano Ortiz emphasized.
Another board member, Rosa Gutama Chuñir, said they will continue to denounce the fact that The Mining Law is not enforced and concessions are given without any consultation. "We are waiting for an answer to our request to the Ecuatorian authorities of The National Human Rights and Nature Protection, and we are organizing other activities for the next few days, because we will not stop our fight."
Several activities have been planned; one of them is the walk which was decided in the Environmental Popular Assembly in Molleturo last September 18.
From Catalonia (Spain), translation of Teresa B. i R.
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