Junto a la Glorieta del parque central de Cuenca, se colocaron carpas en las que se exhibieron animales, plantas, productos agrícolas y artesanales típicos de la Costa, Sierra y Amazonía del país que fueron traídos por las y los campesinos de las distintas organizaciones y comunidades como Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la Pachamama, Frente de Mujeres Guardianas de la Amazonía, Asociación de Campesinos de Limón Indanza - ACLI, Asociación de Campesinos del Valle de Cuyes - ACAVAC, Coordinadora Popular en Defensa de Molleturo CPM, Comité de Defensa Ambiental de Tarqui, Asamblea Pro-Defensa de nuestros Ríos, Pueblo Kichwa de Tzawata-Ila-Chucapi, Organización Juvenil Comuna Amazónica, Coordinadora Campesina Popular – CCP, Frente Urbano Antiminero de Quito y otras.
En las exposiciones también había información referente a los conflictos mineros que hay en las distintas provincias, así como de los impactos ambientales y sociales que causa la minería. Además un acopio de datos sobre lo que cada una de las organizaciones y comunidades está haciendo, y lo que en conjunto han realizado convocadas por la CNDVS.
También varios medios de comunicación llegaron a cubrir el evento para informar a la ciudadanía, con lo que se logró satisfactoriamente el objetivo del Programa de que sean las y los actores directos de los conflictos los que puedan entregar información a la opinión pública.
Felicitaciones y un agradecimiento especial a todas y todos los compas que realizaron este esfuerzo para llegar hasta Cuenca y participar en estas Primeras Jornadas de Resistencia por el Día Mundial del Ambiente.
Compartimos varios links sobre lo que ha informado la prensa del evento realizado el día lunes 6 y sobre la situación del conflicto minero en Molleturo y otros sitios de Azuay:
http://www.eltiempo.com.ec/noticias-cuenca/69320-molleturo-alerta-ante-minera/ http://www.elmercurio.com.ec/283508-protesta-contra-mineras-del-oriente.html#.Te5I-vNyk-I;facebook
http://www.elmercurio.com.ec/282968-sociabilizacion-minera-crea-impasse.html http://www.eltiempo.com.ec/noticias-cuenca/69145-reclamos-en-tarqui-por-minera-a/
On Monday 6 an event called "DAYS OF RESISTANCE IN FAVOR OF THE WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY", organized by the National Coordinating Group for the Defense of Life and Sovereignty - CNDVS and The Women Defenders of the Pachamama Front, was held in the Calderon Park in the town of Cuenca.
Different tents and stalls were put up beside the Glorieta central park in Cuenca. There were animals, plants, farm produce and typical craft items made in the Coast, Sierra and Amazon regions, which had been brought by farmers and several organizations and communities: The Women Defenders of the Pachamama Front , The Women Guardians of the Amazon, The Lemon Indanza Farmers’ Association -ACLI, The Cuyes Valley Farm Workers’ Association -ACAVAC, The Popular Coordinating Group for the Defense of Molleturo -CPM, The Tarqui Environmental Defense Committee, The Assembly for the Defense of our Rivers, The Kichwa People from Tzawata-Ila-Chucapi, The Amazon Commune Youth Organization, The Popular Farmers’ Coordinating Group -CCP, The anti-mining Quito Urban Front and other organizations.
Information about the mining conflicts there are in the different provinces, as well as information about environmental and social impacts caused by mining was provided. Also, there was information about what the different organizations and communities are doing, and what they have done all together whenever the CNDVS has called them.
A lot of people attended the event. There were people from Cuenca, other towns and villages of Azuay, other places in Ecuador and even many foreign tourists, who were able to talk directly with those affected by the mega mining plans carried out by the following transnational companies: BMI, Ecuadorgold, Iamgold, Corriente Resources, Terra Resources, Merendon and others. Two things were realized: on the one hand, the total lack of information citizens have about this issue; of course, the government and corporations don’t want people to know about their mining plans, despite the fact it is known that The Rio Blanco mining project will be soon signed, even though it will impact The El Cajas National Park as well as the watersheds that supply the town of Cuenca and other important areas of the coastal provinces of Azuay and Guayas and El Oro with water . And on the other hand, people are becoming more and more interested in this issue. Although those who look forward to closing negotiations with foreign invaders without the population having been duly informed and consulted conceal as much information as they can , people no longer rely on what Correa says.
Several journalists attended the event and the media reported on it. Therefore, one of the goals of the “Programme” was achieved: the people who are affected by conflicts are the ones who have to inform the rest of citizens.
Congratulations and many thanks to all the comrades who made the effort to go to Cuenca and take part in these first “Days of Resistance in favor of the World Environment Day”.
Here are some links about press reports on the event that was held on Monday 6 and also about the mining conflict in Molleturo and other places in the Azuay province: http://www.eltiempo.com.ec/noticias-cuenca/69320-molleturo-alerta-ante-minera/
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